Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 3 wheat box update...

So we created the "wheat-box" on Tuesday morning. Nathan and Logan played and played in it all morning- literally for HOURS! Then, Olivia came home from school....

And they played some more.
Then ALLY came home from school, and they played some more.....

THE NEXT DAY- Day 2- First thing in the morning, 'Can I play in the wheat box mom?'

Nathan and Logan not even dressed and playing already :)

Hours later, still playing....They were still playing last night at 4:30 when I made them clean up for dinner!

TODAY- Day 3- STILL playing in the wheat-box! Who knew?


  1. Excellent !! I now have an idea for my boy's 3rd bday on Sat!! Easy, cheap, and entertaining ~ that's my kind of gift!!

  2. sounds fun, is there a big mess of wheat everywhere? My kids would love this but I am wondering what my OCD husband would think of it? haha
