Friday, June 10, 2011

Sugar and spice and everything nice?

You all know, I am sure, that your kids can say things that are precious, things that are adorable, and things that are hilarious. And then they sometimes say things that make your blood boil...It is usually funny after some time, and we can all look back and laugh, but at the time, we wonder, 'what am I doing wrong?'

A few days ago-
Mom- Olivia, please don't do that.
Olivia- I can do it if I want to.
Mom- No you can't
Olivia- I can if you're not watching.

And yesterday morning at breakfast-
Logan spills his milk on the table, and Craig is standing by the sink.
Mom- Dad, can you toss me that washrag?
Olivia- Why do you make him do everything?

Sugar and spice- not typical, spit and fire- more likely. :)

Bless her heart, we love her dearly, spit-fire and all!


  1. We are rolling laughing here. I'm glad you posted so we could laugh about it sooner than I'm sure you did :)
