Monday, June 13, 2011

dinner time blues...

Tonight I decided to make my favorite childhood dinner. When you were a kid did you have a dinner that everyone got excited about when your mom would make it? You know, the one you always begged her to make for your birthday dinner? Well, mine was chicken enchiladas. And it was coincidentally, both of my brothers favorites as well. Our whole family loved them. Some of my favorite childhood memories are wrapped up in chicken enchiladas with root beer for dinner.

As I was making them, every taste test was just as it should tasted perfect, and while it was cooking, it smelled perfect and oh so yummy!!! I was so excited to eat them. As we all sat down, do you want to know what my kids said? "Mom, I don't like enchiladas." and "what's those green things in there". Needless to say, NONE of the kids liked them....And none of them even wanted to taste, they did taste them and they did eat them...eventually...

I feel a little surprised at my disappointment. I was a little heart-broken over the whole thing. It's silly I know. Oh well. At least Craig and I thoroughly enjoyed them, and I for sure won't quit making them. Maybe by the time they are teenagers, and they know what good food is, they will wise up and decide to like them.


  1. My mom wasn't much of a fan of cooking. We ate to survive, not enjoy it. ;) So, when you said favorite childhood dinner, I was thinking about mac 'n cheese and hotdogs (which we got when my parents went out on a date-I don't remember this being a very frequent thing).

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I shouldn't let it get to me, but I have cried over my children's distaste for some of my dinners, especially when I've spent so much time on them.

    Oddly enough, my children do like chicken enchiladas. We'll have to do them sometime together.

  3. aw I'm sorry, Megan! last night I had a little meltdown during dinner because the kids wouldn't eat dinner. again. I try to make healthier things that they would like (even though they don't fit into the "diet" I would be doing if it was just me). but it just makes me mad when I'm really proud of this meal I just made and they don't like it. sooooo disappointing.

    I understand the childhood thing, too. I LOVE creole franks and tuna casserole - but not my family. oh well. the sacrifices we make as a mom.

  4. thanks for the support ladies, its nice to know I am not alone. :)

  5. Nothing is worse than working so hard on a dinner and then having the family not enjoy it :(
