Monday, August 1, 2011


So for all of you ladies out there who have ever been pregnant, any ideas for the constant PMS-like hormone imbalance that seems to be a part of my daily life lately? My poor children are wondering 'were did mommy go, and who is this crazy lady who has taken over the house?' Any herbs, or ANYTHING that you found that helped?


  1. I had a hard time sleeping, which just made me grumpier. Calms forte by Hyland, is homeopathic, and supposed to be safe during pregnancy and helps with going to sleep, and anxious tension. Lavender and chamomile essential oils helped me a bit too. As well as trying to get an hour by myself with kids, which was sometimes hard, but if I could do that it helped. And reading my scriptures DAILY. I also still have a sign that is posted on the ceiling above my bed that I see when I wake up every morning that says, "I am the eye of the storm", reminding me to try and stay calm amidst all the chaos that sometimes flies around me. Megan, you are awesome, but as mother's we all feel guilt and are constantly trying to see how we can improve even more. I would love to hear what some of the things that you do are, to see if I could impliment them into my own life.

  2. Thanks Hillori- I need to remember the daily scripture reading....and I should try the lavender oil, I know it works for lots of people. Today we boycotted all outside activities, and stayed home from swimming and anything else...I think just being home has helped, not being busy, and relaxing....I appreciate your advise, I am sure to take it. :)

  3. I still think you should go see my dr. and have your hormones checked and your thyroid. I feel a world better because of him. After the pregnancy or before I don't think it matters.
