Friday, July 29, 2011

Today's Ultrasound

Well friends- we had our ultrasound this morning....and to those of you who have been talking to me lately, you know that I was just sure that it was going to be a girl, and her name was going to be Lauren Grace Laing....

Well, once again, I was wrong....I have only been right once, and wrong now for the 3rd time! I should just assume it is what ever I don't think it is. Craig however says that he knew it was a boy because I have been so emotional! Funny how he never said anything, (probably by nature of the issue, he thought it might not be taken so well if he did say anything.)

So, now we all know. IT'S ANOTHER BOY!!!! I am open to names, though bear in mind, I lean towards names that either start with or have an "L" in them. I am strongly leaning towards Tyler right now, though Craig is still 'thinking about it'.

We are truly blessed. It is a good day.


  1. Congrats! How about Landon? or Mitchell?

  2. I actually like Landon a lot, that one is on the list.

  3. yay for 2 girls + 2 boys!!! A name I recently read that I like is "Kendon". Along the same lines as Landon, but unique. oops, doesn't mean the L requirement! I also like Keller, Kendall, Kellan ~ I guess I'm into "K" right now. Wont' tel my favorite boys' names ~ will save them for ourselves! :)

  4. Congrats Megan. Feel like I haven't seen you forever. Missed you yesterday morning. Hope you are feeling well.

  5. Wa Hoo!!! I'm so excited for you! Tyler is an excellent name if I do say so myself. Boy names are the hardest. I wish I had ideas for you, but they are seriously harder than girl names.

  6. Oh I like Tyler! We could call him Ty.
