Monday, July 25, 2011

Today, my oldest child decided to cut her little sister's hair.....I am still to upset to laugh about it...or to post pictures....perhaps in the next few days, I will be able to see the humor in it and post a picture of Olivia's new hair-cut, and her bangs that go all the way around her ear....


  1. oh oh dear.......hmmmm........that gives me much to look forward to. doesn't every little girl give someone a bad hair cut at some point in their lives? :) I'm so sorry, Megan!

  2. Forgive me if I giggle. I think every mom faces that one sometime. Maybe you're done with that experience now. Maybe.... Hugs!

  3. My hair was always very very short when I was little, because I was either cutting it or getting stuff caught in it that had to be cut out. Olivia is such a pretty girl that she'd still look pretty bald, but hopefully it will grow back fast!!

  4. Maybe Ally's calling in life is to be a beautician. ;) Hope you're feeling a little better about it today.

  5. I must say that I have made my peace with the new hair-cut today. I was able to do Olivia's hair and you couldn't hardly tell, unless you looked right behind her ears...She still looks like my cute Olivia in spite of the new do.

  6. I say hand the scissors to Olivia and give her a go on Ally's hair... j/k

  7. Kendra- That would be awesome! I had that same after-thought, but then thought, I would have to do two terrible haircuts everyday for the next 6 months, and thought better of it...but it would definitely drive home the idea that sisters shouldn't cut hair! I am fairly certain that Ally knew better than to cut her own hair, that's why she convinced her little sister to be her guinea pig.
