Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are you nice now?

First a preface to set the stage...When we have time-outs at our house, the kids may come out when they are ready to "be nice". When they poke thier little heads out of thier bedrooms and say, "Can I come out now?" I always respond with "Are you ready to be nice?"

So yesterday, Olivia was throwing a fit because Ally was using the bathroom that she wanted to use....sigh.....I informed her that she should just use the other bathroom, to which she rebuttled that she didn't want to and she wanted Ally to get out so she could use the bathroom "right now". Well, after I had enough 2 year old attitude, I picked her up and hauled her to the other bathroom, and set her on the toilet. She was not happy. She continued to be sassy and rotten, until she got a little 'love tap' on her backside. I let her pout for a few minutes and then came back to see if she was done going potty and if she needed help with her paperwork....when I came in, I said, "are you all done", to which she responded...

"Are you nice now?"



Tara Oliver said...

ha ha, amazing what they pick up on, isn't it? :)

Andrea said...

Absolutely love the "help with her paperwork" part of your post!

Queen of the Hill said...

I love it. I'm done with two year old attitude too. Can you give a two year old coal for Christmas?