Thursday, April 12, 2012

Denver here we come!

Well, it has been rumored now for a while that we have been looking to move, and as of yesterday, it is official. Initially we were planning a move to Bountiful or North Salt Lake to be closer to Craig's work. However, in a somewhat dramatic turn of events, the regional manager at Craig's work approached him and asked if he would be willing to transfer and take a position at their Denver location. We have worried and worried about this moving idea, and when this opportunity came up, it just felt right. It is extremely difficult to think of leaving our home here in Mapleton, and all our fruit trees and the garden and berry patch, not to mention all of our good friends. There have been hundreds and hundreds of hours of blood, sweat and tears spent making this house our home. The thought of someone else living in this place that I love makes me anxious. I hope we can find just the right family, who will love it and cherish it as we have. If any of you know of anyone who is looking for a place to rent and loves to can and garden, tell them to give us a call. :)


Eigelmommy said...

HOw much are you asking for rent? We are actually moving to utah!

Tara Oliver said...

*gaaaaaaasp* Whaaaat? Well, I have to admit that I will SO SO SO SO SO SO miss you!!! But I am also really excited for you. I LOVE Denver. I really enjoyed visiting my brother there over the last 3 years. It's a great place and I'm sure your family will be a huge asset to whatever ward and area you are in. Aw shucks, I will really miss you guys.....but this is a new and exciting opportunity! We need to chat ASAP to find out when you are leaving, if you need help with anything, etc.! Oh my dear dear friend.....*le sigh*

Anna said...

wow!! It is so wonderful when a turn of events feels right! Congrats on the move; I wish you the very best during this busy time!

Andrea said...

I could have known you were leaving earlier if only I'd checked blogs while I was out of town. ;) See you tonight!