Monday, April 2, 2012


I never seem to remember from one child to the next how old they were when they did what, so I figured I would do a post about some recent milestones so that I could remember them later.

Nathan is now 3 (and a 1/2) months. And in just the last 3 weeks has come up on some pretty big milestones. At 3 months almost exactly, he started sleeping through the night. YEAH!!!! for everyone!!! In the last few days, he has learned how to roll from his stomach to his back, and how to scoot himself all the way across his crib. And what I love the most lately, he has started to giggle. Baby laughs are always my favorite!

Logan has had a few milestones himself. Last week, we kicked the binky habit. For any of you out there trying to do the same things, I sliced a hole in the top of each binky and in 2 days, he didn't even pick them up anymore. And secondly, he is potty-training! We have only been at it a few days, but today, we made some huge progress, and hopefully by the end of the week, we will be done!

Bye-bye binky and bye-bye diapers! But the little stuffed lamby will be around for a long time I am sure!

1 comment:

Anna said...

they sure keep you busy, don't they? Good for Logan on the potty training! We were 75% done when we had to make an out of town trip, then home for 2 weeks then gone again... then Aaron was 100% done (dry day & night, no accidents for 48 hours) when he got his cut foot. Now he is reluctant to go back. Ohhhh, the frustration!