Monday, July 2, 2012

Let's review

It has been so long since I have posted pictures or written anything about my kids, I would feel remiss if I didn't try to catch up. We will start with this little guy...
Nathan is 6 months old now, and in the last months, he has had many new milestones.
He cut his first 2 teeth at 5 1/2 months, and for 2 days, did this...

He rubbed his cute little tongue on those teeth all day. It was DARLING!

He has decided that he doesn't want to be left out of anything, and has to be right by me, doing whatever I am doing. He loves to be busy. He has also just learned to sit up by himself, and we had our first trip to the grocery store without a humongous car seat in tow! He sat in the basket like a big boy and was THRILLED with the new found freedom.

Here is a cute shot of both my boys with me. What handsome little cuties huh!

Here is Logan with Uncle Aaron at Grandpa's house. He followed Aaron around for an hour at least "helping" with his tape measure.

This is Logan on our drive out to Utah. I'm not sure what he had eaten, but it was blue, sticky and obviously yummy by the look on his face :)

Another cute shot of Logan at the park...

My little monkey Olivia at the park also...

All the kids at the park, with Madison and Makenzi our sweet neighbors from Mapleton who came to visit for the week. We all had a great time.

This is a fun shot of Craig- playing Samuel the Lamanite high on the city wall for Family Home Evening. The kids were trying to hit him with stuffed animals. It was cute.

Olivia with Daddy playing on the trampoline...Who's having more fun?

The girls playing in the the rain.

And finally, a few shots of dad...This is the last shot of dad that I took. Both of my boys loved papa, and I am glad that Nathan will always have this shot to remember him by. It makes me sad that they will not remember him, and how much they loved him. This is one of my favorite pictures.

A shot of me and my brothers at the burial in Manti. Aaron is on the left and David on the right. I was so proud of David, he was able to participate in the honor guard military salute and he presented the flag to Christine just before the burial.

All the family at the cemetery.


tsendee said...

My condolences to your dad's passing. Families are together forever. I can't believe a few month's make a difference in kids' growth. Your kids all look taller, even the youngest one. Let me know when you're in the area next time. I heard we live pretty close to your sister in law's place.

Queen of the Hill said...

Those are fun pictures! I'm wondering how I can get Ryan to play samuel the lamanite!

We sure do miss you! I hope you are finally being able to adjust!

Megan said...

Thanks Heather. We are. Still miss you guys a ton though!