Thursday, September 6, 2012

10 years of wedded bliss...

August 23rd, Craig and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. He surprised me with a wonderful date- dinner at a fancy restaurant, then a concert with Norah Jones at the Red Rock outdoor amphitheater, then a child free evening at a luxury motel! It was wonderful and I am very lucky to be married to such a wonderful man. He is still the love of my life, and I look forward to many many more years of bliss :)


Eigelmommy said...

Congrats. Wow I can't believe that it has been ten years already! I am so glad you found someone who recognizes what a tresure you are.

Megan said...

Thanks Melanie! You are so kind :)

Tara Oliver said...

Cute!! Congratulations on 10 years!