Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The wheat box

So, this good friend of mine told me that when her husband was young, and it was too cold to play outside, his mother dumped a bucket of wheat from her food storage into a bin and they played in it like a sand box.
Well, today, Logan says 'mom- what happened to our sandbox?' and I told him it was too cold for sandboxes, and then I remembered this idea....I dumped out my wrapping paper bin, and filled it up with wheat. It's been an hour and Logan is still playing in it :)

I love this picture because it really captures how thrilled they both were!

Nathan thought this was TOO cool! He kept looking at me like 'you're sure this is ok mom?'

Nathan tried eating it...once...then quickly realized it wasn't very good.

This is one seriously happy little boy! Score one for mom- Thanks Ashley for the idea!

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