Friday, March 18, 2011


Logan is beginning a great love affair with the out-doors and with animals of any kind. Since the weather is getting warmer, he goes out every morning with daddy to feed the animals. Craig says that he will sit and watch the chickens or bunnies forever. Dad taught him that chickens say bock-bock, so now, if you even say the word chicken, he immediately starts saying "gock-gock, gock-gock!" He goes to the back door, grabs his shoes and hat and brings them to you all the while saying, "gock-gock!" He stands at the window, or door at random times of the day and says "gock-gock" while pointing outside. And the best was 2 mornings ago, when the first thing (at 6:30 am) is "gock-gock" coming from Logan's crib. Today we learned that kitties say "meow", so the gock-gocks have been broken up with a few "mowwws". He is such a darling baby and we are so happy to have him.

This is Logan ready to go out-side in Sissy's hat.

1 comment:

Susan said...

He is so cute, can't wait to see them all.