Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wish me luck!

You know how they say, "you are what you eat"? Well, I suppose it is true. Every winter I get a little bit lax and I start to eat things that I probably, (well, probably isn't really the right word,) shouldn't eat. This winter was no exception. And in June, Craig and I are taking the kids on a vacation to see my brother David and his family in Mississippi. I am super excited to see them, and super excited because they are going to let Criag and I go on our first vacation alone since we had children. We are planning to take a cruise. :) I would like to get in shape before that happens, so I don't have to feel like I am hiding the whole time.

I have been watching the biggest loser for years. I love to see the transformation each of the contestants makes. One thing that I have learned from watching them is that life challenges each of us differently, and for one reason or another most of these people feel like they can't succeed. I find myself falling into that trap too. Feeling like I can't do things, because they are too hard or for some other equally silly excuse. This time, I am going to do it. I have set my mind to it, and I am going for it. I have already started eating healthier, and I am planning to start an excersize program soon. I am determined to not give up, and to work until I succeed. Wish me luck, and if you think about it, a word of encouragement now and then will keep me on the right track. I will let you know how it goes.


Hillori said...

I'll encourage you if you encourage me! We can do it together!

The Mecham Family said...

Good luck! YOu can totally do it- remember how you trained and ran the 5K? See, you are a strong woman, now let me hear you roar!!

Andrea said...

Once this junky weather warms up a bit more, I'd love to walk together. We could even hold hand weights or something. ;)

Anna said...

I'm doing the same thing, inspired by the last 10 pounds being harder to lose after each child!! For exercise: remember that if you can only fit in 5 minutes of jumping jacks, a 10 minute walk or 20 minutes of stretching, that's better than nothing!! I tend to think that if I don't have 1/2 hour I shouldn't even start...but that's just a lie to myself!

Queen of the Hill said...

All right, I'm right there with you. I have started exercising, but I could definately eat better.

We can do this!!!

Megan said...

Thanks to all of you... I am glad to know that I am not alone in this quest. Let's keep each other motivated. :)