Friday, March 18, 2011

Bye-Bye Wall

This weeks project: Wall Removal

Ever since we moved into our home, we have been talking about tearing out a small wall in-between the laundry room and the stair well. It is a small space that needed to be opened up. Well, we finally made it happen....

Here is the before:

Here is Ally helping....we always knew she was like her mother, but we found out through this process that she LOVES to do demolition just as much as mom.

She swung that hammer until every last bit of the wall was gone...

She was our BIGGEST HELPER!!!

We re-textured the walls, primed and painted them and then installed a beautiful new hand rail and banister, and it is everything I wanted it to be.

And here you have it, the finished project.
We LOVE it!
Thanks to my handsome hubby Craig for all his hard work, I love you honey!


The Mecham Family said...

It looks fantastic!! I'm proud of you for finishing! Cole and I began demolition on our stair-walls and stopped halfway... it's a mess... haha

Unknown said...

Megan it's beautiful. I will have to just invite myself down so I can come and see it!

Queen of the Hill said...

sorry, the last post was me. I keep signing stuff on my parents computer and they are already signed in.

Megan said...

Heather- I thought, who on earth is Mark? and why is he reading my blog? I am glad it's just you! :)

chris laing said...

the demolition is always the funnest part of it all