Monday, April 4, 2011

That's a BIG egg....And other Easter excitement.

This egg (on the right) was laid by one of our CHICKENS!
I feel sorry for that chicken...poor thing. But WOW that egg is a meal all by itself!

And in other news, while we thought that we had 2 GIRL bunnies, it turns out, we don't....(apparently, bunnies are difficult to decipher while they are little)
And as you can probable guess, with a mommy AND a daddy bunny,
we have MORE baby bunnies. :)
No pictures yet, but rest assured the cute little fluffs of fuzz
will be making their blogging debut soon enough.


Tara Oliver said...

OH NO! I bet they are SO CUTE! but I hear bunnies can have a LOT of babies. but what a fun time to have baby bunnies. :) can't wait to see them!!

The Mecham Family said...

Fun!! The bunnies, not the poor chicken who had to lay that egg!