Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back to Basics

Well, as we all seem to do, every year about this time, I am feeling the need to rid my house of all the sugar, and all the junk food, and all the holiday goodies.

This year I have decided that I am not going to go crazy and throw out everything in my cupboards that isn't organic or gluten-free, or dairy free. I have done diets like that and they never seem to stick because I feel SOOOO deprived the entire time. So, here is my idea...just eat more whole foods. Healthy meats, lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Healthier sugars (like honey or agave), less dairy, no refined junk and more WATER, lots more water!

Here is my problem though. I have been searching online for recipes that fit my criteria, and I am not finding much. There are lots of recipes, but most of them seem potentially gross to me...I hate to waste my money on recipes that are most likely yucky. So, I am asking each of you for recipes that your family likes that are healthy, simple and incorporate lots of fresh stuff and lots of whole stuff. Please share what you like, and if you want, I will share what I find. I am looking for lots of comments here, so don't be shy...please!


Tara Oliver said...

oh Megan, I HIGHLY recommend The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner cookbook! (http://www.amazon.com/Food-Nanny-Rescues-Dinner-Family/dp/093527877X) I simply adore it!! it's not extreme (not super fatty, not super health-nut) and she uses fresh ingredients. she doesn't call for things like refrigerated biscuit dough. I've found that since I've been using her cookbook, we eat less meat. she has yummy meatless dishes, which I've had problems finding in the past. we made cheese enchiladas that were DELICIOUS last week.

I've been using this cookbook for probably two months now and the kicker is - my kids have loved EVERYTHING so far. even Jonathan approves. so if you ever want to look at mine, let me know. this cookbook really has saved my life!

Megan said...

Tara- that sounds awesome! I do want to come and take a look sometime, if that would be okay. It sounds perfect!

The Mecham Family said...

Tara- I'm checking that out too!!
Megan- it is so tough to find whole food recipes that your family will love too! I'd just search the internet and do trial and error :(