Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why do we do it?

Today, Sunday, was Stake Conference, for which I was really excited. I always enjoy hearing the visiting authorities talk, and it is nice to only have a 2 hour meeting instead of 3 :) Though, I always wonder how the kids are going to do, sitting in the same place for 2 hours, without primary or nursery to go to. Well, today, I must admit, I was thinking to myself, why am I doing this? And in all honesty, half way through, we ended up leaving. I know, I know, I am a bad mom. But it was getting to the point of being ridiculous! The speakers were great (well, what I actually heard of them) and I was glad to be listening to what I could, but after an hour of fighting kids to be reverent and telling them for the 3rd time to be ladylike and not lay down on the rows, and after taking Logan out 2 times for screaming fits because he wanted ALL the crayons, and after he threw his binky across the room, I simply decided it was time to go. I probably should have stuck it out, but today, I just didn't have it in me.

In all honesty, I think that most Sundays. If it were just me, I would be ecstatic, to get ready each Sunday and go be spiritually fed. But getting 4 little bodies (plus myself) bathed, dressed, fed and hair done in time, then sitting with them for an hour in sacrament meeting, trying to teach them how to be reverent is most times overwhelming.

So I ask myself, why do we do it? And here is the conclusion I have come to. We do it because it is true. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and it is vital to our children that they learn of Him, and gain a testimony of and faith in His teachings.

So, I guess for the time being, I will just be thankful that it isn't worse, and that my husband isn't in the bishopric or something like that where I would get to do it all by myself. :) And hope and pray that my efforts are not in vain and that something good is sinking into their little brains, and forming a little testimony that will someday grow into a deep faith in Christ.


Tara Oliver said...

awww good post, Megan! and you are right. it's hard fighting with the kids sometimes to be reverent, especially when they are so young. you did just fine. they are learning from these experiences.

I admit that we forgot about the adult meeting last night until mid-afternoon. I just didn't have the energy to get a sitter. but I did enrich my own life by working on some skirts I wanted to sew for the girls. and I did have a good growing experience today.

your kids are lucky to have you as their mom (despite what they say).

Queen of the Hill said...

i had a visiting teacher tell me once that when she was raising her kids and spending the entire 3 hours in the hallway she would tell herself, the angels put a check mark by her name that day, marking that she was there. i think sometimes it's just the principle of obedience.

i love it when my kids tell me something and i think,"i didn't teach you that. you ARE listening at church!"

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness, I have so thought that many times!!! Wandering the halls with a cranky baby and not getting anything out of church is so frustrating and I am tempted to just go home, and many times I do! I do think there are blessings for trying our hardest though!