Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Waiting for the bath...

The bathtub wasn't holding water very well, it was half-way gone by the end of the kids bath, and then, the drain broke completely, and no water was going down at all. I forgot and told the kids that it was bath time. They all ran to the bathroom and stripped, and then I remembered that the drain was broken. The kids were needless to say a little upset, so I asked Craig to look at it, and he decided he could fix it fast. The kids were so anxious that they were crawling all over him while he was fixing it. I tried to get a shot of Logan laying on daddy's back watching him work from over his shoulder, but this was the best I could get.

There is actually another set of cutie-patootie buns hiding behind the door, but I figured that 6 year old naked buns might be cute, but she would likely not look back on that fondly when she got older. :)

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