Monday, November 28, 2011

Puzzle Blocks

I found this great idea on Pintrest, for these puzzle blocks. I thought it was so clever and decided that I was going to make one for each of the kiddies this Christmas. They all love to build things and my 2 older ones LOVE puzzles. So these seemed like a natural fit.

I underestimated the amount of time it would take to make, but still I am very happy with the finished project! And FYI- these were all made from the comfort of my own bed.

I think Logan will love this one. Here is a picture with each side of the blocks put together...and just so you know, this camouflage one took both Craig and I together, 10 minutes to put it all together :)

I think it will be a few years before Logan is actually using the puzzle option,
for now, they will just be for building :)

If you want to see how to make these, here is the link.
In her tutorial, she uses fabric, but I thought that scrapbook paper was a much easier option, and that is what I used. I was also thinking that an old calendar would be a great option too. And I didn't buy blocks, I just had Craig cut them out of some scrap wood he had in his wood shop, which made them EXTREMELY cheap to make.


Tara Oliver said...

WOW! Those are really awesome, Megan! I love it. They turned out great!

kyli olise said...

Love it! The girls are going to be so jealous!

Queen of the Hill said...

Those are so cute. I love it.