Monday, November 14, 2011

Bed Rest.....

Surely there are those of you who have experienced this before, and understand what I am going through, but can I just say, bed rest is NOT my favorite thing. I have officially been on bed rest now for 6 days, and I can quickly say that I am ready to be done!

Last Tuesday, I started having contractions every 4 minutes, and they continued all through the night until about 4:30 in the morning. I called my mid-wife's office and they said, "well, you probably should have gone to the emergency room, but why don't you come in to the office this morning." So I did, and here I sit/lay just trying to keep this baby in for a few more weeks at least. As of Friday, baby Nathan was 34 weeks, and still too early to come safely into the world. In 12 more days, he will be 36 weeks, and we can fairly safely rule out any lung/breathing problems. Another 7 days after that, and he will be considered full-term (at 37 weeks) and there will be no hesitation to let him come.

So, for the next at least 12 days, my boredom will continue, my house will stay messy, and I will thank Heavenly Father for all of the gracious service and help rendered to me while I focus on one single task, that of keeping this child from coming out too soon. Thanks to those of you who have helped, you have no idea how thankful I am for you!


Christopher and Kimberly said...

I hope everything goes well and that you'll be able to keep the baby in until he is full term. Get lots of book reading and journal writing done. You'll be in my prayers!!!

The Mecham Family said...

I wondered why I didn't see you at church Sunday! :( I'm so sorry!!

Megan said...

Thanks Kim! I love the BBC and their 6 hour series- like pride and prejudice, wives and daughters (a new favorite) and my next one to watch is under the greenwood tree? They keep my mind busy.