Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The CHAIR!!!!!

So, do you ever have those days (or weeks) where it seems like the list of things you have to do each day is longer when you go to bed than it was when you woke up? I get up each morning with great intentions and a whole host of things to accomplish and at the end of the day, all I have done is laundry....and dishes...? For the last month, on my list has been- the CHAIR!!!!

A long time ago, I bought this great wing-back recliner at a garage sale. It was the most comfortable chair, though it was worn pretty bad. The lady only wanted $5, so I bought it. I have done some upholstery before, I recovered my 2 living room couches in 2006 (I think). It was a lot of work, but well worth it I thought. So, home I came with my new chair and the best of intentions to recover it....well, several years later, I still had a severely worn, ugly but comfortable green chair...still waiting to be re-finished. When I was pregnant with Logan, I tried to finish it, however, to any of you out there who may be wondering, big fat pregnant bellies and re-upholstery do not mix- that only lasted an hour or so, until I was so miserable I couldn't do it any more. Anyhow, last month I decided it was time to tackle it again...and do you think I am done with it yet? No. It is at current torn apart in 3 different pieces, (2 of which are finished) and waiting for me to get it done! I have it sitting in my living room, so that I can not ignore it any longer, but at the end of the day, there are always things that are more urgent to be done, and so sits the chair....My goal is to get it done by the end of th week...Let's see if I can do it. You can bet that will be a jubilant post on the glorious day when I FINALLY finish the CHAIR!!!!!


Hillori said...

I think I have about 25 differnet projects like that lying around my house in different places.It does sound like you will get this one finished though! At least you can say that you are never bored, and anxiously engaged in a good cause...

Andrea said...

Hey, I feel like I haven't talked to you FOREVER! Were you out of town over the weekend? Guess I know what you've been busy doing though. ;)

Queen of the Hill said...

Okay, I laughed out loud when you said it feels like all you get done is laundry and dishes. It's so true.

Good luck with your chair. I did notice it when we were there and really just envied the fact that you have that talent among your many many others.