Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thankful heart

Today my heart is full of thanks for many things. I sat with all my family, my children, my father and stepmother, my brother and his family, and my Uncle and aunt, and shared a BOUNTIFUL meal, that was delicous. We visited and laughed and truly enjoyed each others company. I was able to talk to my youngest brother in the military and his dear wife, to complete the evening. How thankful I am for them. I am thankful to have my family so close to me. It is often at times like these that I miss my mother greatly, but I am reminded today of how many others I have to stand in her place and help me along my way.

This year has brought many hardships for my family and friends. Of the 6 immediate members of my family at dinner tonight, 5 of them have had lay offs (I was the only one who hadn't been laid off, but you can't really lay-off a mom :). My father faced cancer once, and is fighting it again. My brother was in a serious car accident and walked away without any serious harm. And yet among all of this, God has always seen fit to bless us with enough, and some to spare. Our lives have been lifted with joy and happiness. 2 babies were born into our family within the last year, amid all of this. We all have cars that work, homes that are warm, food to fill our bellies, and the gospel of Jesus Christ- the greatest of all our blessings. It is only fitting to give thanks for him this day as we look to begin this Christmas season. He is the reason for our celebration today and everyday. I am thankful for his love, his tender care, and his watchful eye. For my sweet husband, my beautiful children, and my angel mother, who surely watches over us all. God bless each of you on this joyous day. May you all feel as blessed and cared for as we do today.


Queen of the Hill said...

Can I just add how grateful I am to have you as my friend?

Megan said...

Ditto Heather. :)

Anna said...

beautiful. Thank you for your expression of appreciation, so my heart could say, "thank you" again as I read it!